How to Use Twitter for Beginners

Twitter is a free social networking website like Facebook, Google Plus or LinkedIn. A social networking site is a place where people meet other people who share similar interests and activities to communicate or share information with them. Twitter's main difference is that it is also a micro-blogging service. It allows its users to send and receive updates composed of up to 140 characters known as Tweets. First of all here are a few terms which a beginner to Twitter should learn:

Tweet: An update or post on Twitter
Tweeting: The act of posting on Twitter
Tweeter: A person who uses Twitter
Retweet (RT): A tweet that has been repeated
Tweeps : Also known as Followers. These are the people who follow you and receive your updates on Twitter
Others include
Tweeple: People who use Twitter
Twaffic: Twitter traffic consisting of tweets and retweets
There are more words which are part of the Twitter vocabulary. You can find them at, and many more sites.
Twitter has evolved into an indispensable tool for a lot of internet users. Apart from its primary and original function, the following are some of the ways in which is Twitter is now used:
1. Internet marketers, advertisers and companies send tweets advertising their products and services or keeping consumers up to date on new items.
2. News sites use it to update followers on current news items.
3. Writers and bloggers send out tweets to get more people to read their articles and blogs.
4. Celebrities like actors and musicians use it to gain fans and keep them up to date on their latest works.
Why You Should Use Twitter
1. It is easy to sign up for and to set up.
2. It is a great and easy way to keep friends and followers up to date on the things you are doing at the very time you are doing them.
3. Tweets can be sent from a computer or mobile phone from the web, via SMS or through third-party applications (which allow for greater functionality). A few third-party applications are listed below.
4. The 140-character limit on tweets keeps updates concise and understandable.
5. Twitter does not require you to divulge sensitive personal information and so the risk of identity theft is reduced.
6. Users can have any number of Twitter accounts for as many purposes as they wish.
7. For people interested in promoting their products, services, websites or blogs, Twitter is an important medium.
Tips for Beginners on Twitter
1. Do not send the same tweets over and over. Tweeps who receive those updates might become irritated and stop following the tweeter.
2. Do not post too many updates in a short period of time except when necessary, e.g. when giving a minute-by-minute update on a particular happening.
3. Do not follow too many people. No tweeter could possibly read all tweets from a thousand people.
4. Use sites or applications that promise thousands of Twitter followers sparingly. Most of these sites work by matching tweets from a user to tweets from users on Twitter. If a seller is on Twitter to market his products, such sites will match tweets from that seller to similar tweets from users on Twitter. The usual result is that the seller is followed by other sellers!
5. Make use of original and third-party apps (listed below) to send your tweets. Some are listed below:
Twitter Apps
Twitterific for iOs
Twiddle for Android
These are a few of the downloadable apps for mobile and desktop that allow users to do things other than just sending character-based updates. For example they allow people to share pictures (Twitpic), tweet posts from a user's blog using RSS (Twitterfeed) and lots more.


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