Disadvantages of the Google Chrome Browser

The introduction of Google Chrome has changed the browser landscape and has compelled other developers like Mozilla and Microsoft to devote even more resources to their own web browsers. With its new V8 engine which loads web pages fastest, innovative browser security and a totally revamped user interface, Chrome is the fastest growing browser in terms of usage statistics.
While Google Chrome is highly impressive and efficient in plenty of ways, it has a number of shortcomings These include:
Memory Usage
Google implemented a novel method of rendering tabs in Chrome in which a separate process is created for every tab that is opened. This differs from other browsers which handle all tabs as one process. The advantage of Google Chrome's method is that it prevents a problem in one tab from affecting other tabs, therefore, preventing the entire browser from crashing. However, the creation of separate processes causes Chrome to use up a lot of memory as it runs. This may be a problem for computers with a small amount of RAM.
Privacy Issues
Google Chrome offers a feature called Google Suggest which offers possible matches or suggestions to your search term as you type it in. For this feature to work the browser has to send the information typed in to Google. In effect, Google has knowledge of all of the information typed into the browser and many people consider this an invasion of privacy.
Google Suggest is an optional feature which is enabled by default. It can disabled in the Chrome Options menu.
People who create websites ensure that they render properly on available browsers. Consequently, some of the websites that were created before Google Chrome may not display properly on it. This is because they were not tested on Chrome while they were being designed. However, Google assures users that all sites which people visit regularly display correctly on Chrome.
Password Security
Google Chrome offers to save your passwords just like any other browser does. This is so that you do not have to type them in over and over again. These passwords are saved on the browser and can be accessed by looking in the Options menu. While this is a helpful feature, Google Chrome does not offer a feature for securing the saved passwords such as is found on Mozilla Firefox. Therefore, this is a security risk as the saved passwords can be read by anyone with access to your computer.
Closing a Window with Multiple Tabs
Most browsers display a message whenever you try to close a window which has more than one open tab. This prevents you from closing tabs that you do not intend to exit. Google Chrome does not have this feature and if you mistakenly close the browser window, all open tabs are closed without warning.
Limited Right-click Menu Options
Google Chrome is relatively newer than other browsers and so most of the people who now use it invariably used one of the earlier available browsers. Consequently, they are used to having a lot more options when they right-click in a browser. Chrome did away with some of these options and a lot of users are not comfortable with this.
Handling Plenty Tabs
Users who open a lot of tabs in one window may find using Google Chrome to be cumbersome. As you open more tabs, the tab headers become progressive smaller until all you can see are the website icons (favicons) of the different websites. This makes navigation difficult as you may not be able to tell which page is which if you do not know its favicon. The tab bar is also cluttered and unsightly.
A browser such as Mozilla Firefox does not shrink the tab header beyond a certain size so that you can still tell a tab by its title. It then creates forward and backward arrows which allow you to scroll horizontally to find the tab you want. There is also a button at the far right-hand side of the tab bar that can be clicked to reveal all the open tabs.


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