How to Submit Your Website to Google, Bing, Yahoo for Crawling and Indexing
Most search engines automatically search the entire web looking for new websites and web pages to add to their index. This is called "crawling the web" and may be carried out every few hours, days, weeks or months. Timing depends on the site being crawled; some sites are crawled more often than others. However, there are a few situations in which you would do well to submit your website to be indexed by a search engine. These include: - If you use a subdomain website (especially one of those free ones), it would be better if you asked for it to be indexed. Large search engines like Google are reluctant to crawl and index subdomain websites for reasons that are not clear. - You have added new content since your website was last crawled. - You have important information that you want to appear in search engine results immediately. - Your website is brand new. How to Add Your Site to Google - Go to the "Add Your URL to Google" page at: