How to Use Social Networking to Grow your Business

The large number of people on social networks is the main reason why you can create a successful business using social networking. It is does not matter whether your business is online or offline, social networking can make a huge difference to your bottom line. Putting your enterprise on a social network is akin to owning a store in a large shopping mall. You are where you are supposed to be but how do customers find your store amidst all the other stores and how do you get them to walk in and make a purchase? Simply belonging to one of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and LinkedIn is not enough. How then can you achieve success through social networking? Here are some helpful tips:

How to Achieve Success in Your Business/Profession through Social Networking
1. Choose your social network wisely: As a person who runs a business, you should already understand the need to find the right market for your products or services. There is also a right social network for your type of business and you should take the time to find out which one of the available myriad will serve you best. For example, if you offer professional services then LinkedIn may be your best bet as it already has a large number of professionals and is the place to go to for clients who want pros for certain jobs. If you offer a product that appeals to teenagers, Facebook may be a better social network for you.
2. Offer a good product or service: You should not be managing a business in the first place if your product has no appeal. On social networks, you get to introduce products or services to potential clients and customers on a more familiar level than is usually possible. They get to scrutinize it closely before deciding whether to buy or not. You usually cannot leverage curiosity here to attract customers and so your product must be good and useful.
3. Be clear and upfront about your business or service: It is a fact that a person who visits a website on purpose is more likely to patronize the content offered therein than the person who accidentally stumbles across it. It is best if your social network is composed of people who are there for the reason you want them to be: your business. Therefore, do not try to garner followers by putting up a façade you consider more appealing. It is likelier that you will lose customers this way because people who are searching for your type of business see something other than what they should see.
4. Be interesting: Show the fun side of your business. Interesting people are always attractive and that is exactly what your business needs: attraction. For example, a toy store owner commenting on the funny encounters he has with children and their parents in his store can make his business seem much more than just a business. People may be persuaded to visit his store just to generate an encounter of their own. It is important here that you are always positive. Do not comment about unpleasant matters.
5. Do not mix business with your personal life: Despite what the above point says, talking about how you sat through a boring/interesting movie with friends and all such matters is a big negative. Rather, talk about the upcoming chess or squash tournament between your company and another. On your business social network account, all casual talk should be business related. Overall, do not show your personal traits such as by complaining about personal issues or talking about a friend's peculiar habits. You can create personal accounts for those subjects.
6. Be helpful: Always offer your assistance in areas in which you are knowledgeable and do it for free. An automobile mechanic on a social network can give advice to that person who is complaining about having trouble starting his/her car in the mornings. If that piece of advice solves the person's problem, gratitude is sure to follow and which everyone will take note of. Naturally, people begin to regard the mechanic's skills highly.
7. Post regularly: You lose followers on a social network if you do not confirm your presence on a regular basis. Customers and clients need to know your business still exists and that you regard them highly enough to want to keep them informed as timely as possible. You should not ignore your social network and only post when you have a new product to offer.
8. Have a lot of followers: The amount of business you carry out usually determines whether you make a profit or not. Having a lot of followers can help you achieve that. It is likelier that when you offer a product or service and only a percentage of these followers patronize it, that percentage is a sizable number.
9. Advertise on social networks: According to Facebook, it has more than 1 billion active users. This translates to about 1 billion people who login at least once a day. Other social networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Plus also have hundreds of millions of users. This makes social networks a veritable market for almost any product or service. Since you could not possibly have all these people on your social network account, advertising is a great way to reach a lot of them. Fortunately, advertising on social networks are targeted and so you reach the exact type of people you need to reach.
10. Collaborate with other businesses: Social networking will bring you in touch with other similar business concerns. Working with them can be advantageous to your enterprise. For example, you can have other commercial social network accounts linking to your account and telling their followers about your business just as you would do the same for them.

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