How to Use Email Marketing Properly

Email Marketing is one important tool that you as a business owner can use to improve the marketing, profits and customer service of your business. It is simple, cheap and fast, can be highly targeted, has a global reach, and generates a faster response from your audience. So you already have an email marketing campaign but how can you make it really effective? Here are five (5) tips that will make your email marketing more potent:

1. Make Signing Up Easy and Confidential:
Ask only for information that is most important to your business such as an email address and a first name. Make all other information optional. Tell the subscribers that their information will be kept private and that they have the option to opt-out. People who give you permission to send them emails are likelier to be customers.
2. Segment Your Lists:
Do not send one generic email to everyone. According to, you should section your email lists into target groups. You may do so using criteria such as past purchases, job titles, and locale or through surveys. Then you can create emails which market products that are relevant to these groups.
3. Make use of Social Media:
Social networking is huge right now and almost every internet user belongs to one. Ask your subscribers to share your emails with their contacts on social media sites. AWeber Communications advises that you invite your subscribers to join you on your social media channels where they can interact with you and each other and they may promote your products amongst themselves. Social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are best for your business.
4. Timing is Paramount:
Send your email newsletters or promotions at a time they are likeliest to be read. Avoid Monday when people are busiest and Friday when people want to get away from work and business. Do not send emails during weekends. The time it takes you to reply to a customer response should be as short as possible and should be 24 hours at most.
5. Track Results:
After creating an email marketing strategy, you must measure the user response it generates. If it does not perform well enough to affect your business positively, then you should employ another strategy. Always try to refine your email marketing.
Want to learn more? Click here to read about all the email marketing tips and secrets you need to create a successful marketing campaign.

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